The Gigapan panorama photography robot review by Stockholmviews.com , page 7
Overview and comparacy of panorama stitching software
This is a small :0/ overview of alternative panorama stitching software.
It contains a few disappointments but also some surprises of the positive type.
I hope that you will find the reading useful and entertaining.
In short!
The result of my research and tryout of the above panorama stitching software
can be summed to the following conclusion.
The freeware beta Gigapan Stitcher is by far the easiest
to use.
Resulting panoramas was equally well stitched on all of the software as long
as the overlap and camera alignment was properly done.
When there are trouble areas like wavy waters the Gigapan Stitcher together with
Canon photo stitcher
was the first one to show signs of bad stitching.
The Gigapan Stitcher also seams to perform better if a longer lens is used
this might be a sign of that the software have trouble with correction of the
lens distortion that often are related to wider angle lenses some but not all of the
competing software was equipped with lens correction algorithms.
Some of the stitcher's required
far more user interaction than others.
The Gigapan Stitcher was the among the software that required least user inputs.
It also was one of the app's with least features
of them all.
Never the less the final result from the GigaPan stitcher was almost as god as the most extensive and expensive of the software tested.
If you want some more control I suggest Hugin!
The computer used during this little side project review
was a bit outdated :0)
AMD Operon 165 Dual core
2GB of RAM and lots of HDD Space
PT Assembler
Pano wizard

Autostitch is the engine for Auto pano Pro.
this application comes in one single exe file and
it is super easy to use,
make some basic settings in the options panel,
select the images
to be stitched and wait!
And despite the limited tweaking possibility's it performs well.
Perfect for your first test panoramas.
for ease of use for performance and for tweakability
Auto Pano Pro
STOIK Panorama maker
Panorama Factory
Panorama factory is not suitable for multi row panorama stitching since it only handles
a single row
of frames (Or maybe I'm to stupid to find out how to use it :0)
I will not rate this software since it is not usable for gigapan images.
Photoshop CS 4
The trusty old Photoshop, here in its new suite CS4 edition.
The photo merge function works and are no worse or better than any of the other if you
use it in auto mode.
The strength of this app is the possibility's to further tweak
the stitched panorama but
that requires some beyond basic knowledge in Photoshop sooo don buy this app just
because you want some stitching done!
for ease of use for performance and for tweakability
Canon stitcher
Canon Stitcher, you get this software bundled with many of Canon's products.
It works and it works OK if your camera was set up perfectly.
In this test it was the worst and produced an ugly solution for my sample shots.
for ease of use for performance and for tweakability
Serif Panorama plus |
Serif didn't make me happy at all :0( it keep crashing on my computer it also complain
about insufficient memory all the time and i just managed to perform a stitching at
half the size (50%) of the full size panorama from the 12
test frames.
This is sad since the result from the final panorama was displaying a nice
stitching result (I have interpolated it to full size for comparing)
for ease of use for performance and for tweakability
The Hugin software was a lucky shot it is easy to use have many features,
The end result doesn't stand short of any of the competition
and it has all the
tweakability that I want.
It runs just fine straight after I installed it and it can be further tweaked by adding
plugins to gain performance.
And it is a SourceForge project based on Panorama tools so if you are a coder and
would like to ad some features, please go ahead it is an Open Source Software!
The winner is! - hugin.sourceforge.net -
for ease of use for performance and for tweakability |
Compare images from different stitching app's (Hardest/worst section shown, non had success!)
The images in the comparator below are reduced in size by a factor of 7 but they are
still large enough for comparing the most difficult section* in respect of stitching and blending performance.
(*An area of bad camera handling)